Most IT companies are simply a vendor that provides whatever product the customer desires.

These IT providers have an unfortunate history of failing to fully understand the needs and budget of the customer, rarely to look at the big picture of how technology can be used as competitive advantage.


Our Mission AS a PARTNER

At Cloud Partners, we want to be more than just another vendor.  We want to partner with you to fully understand your needs and help you to use technology create synergies you might have not seen. We want to be a translator of current trends and service offerings so you understand the real costs and benefits or losses available in the market. We prefer to fill the role of CIO for your business so you can leverage your technology investment to me more than just a frustrating cost center.

We conduct Quarterly Business Reviews with each Managed Services client to help you understand where your technology costs have been over the previous three months and how we can reduce your support burden and risk exposure in the coming quarter.  We compare budgeted vs actual costs and identify support trends and user education needs.

We believe that with a business partner behind you to help control costs and apply technology for your advantage, we both walk away with a win-win relationship!